Day - 1396

Saturday, February 29, 2020

After 25 years of racquetball, I finally suffered a debilitating injury in the first round of the playoffs this morning in our club Doubles Tournament.  Kirk and I were playing Carlos and Roger and were down 4-14 in one game to 15.  Then we rattled off 9 points in-a-row, but at 13-14, I felt something in my left foot as if someone had kicked me from behind.  No one was around me, and then I knew something bad had happened, a tear or popped Achilles similar to what had happened to Kevin Durant last spring.  I stopped moving and was carried off the court.  My foot was not functioning so the game was over and I iced my foot for the next hour, wondering what to do and how bad the injury was.  I hobbled down to the showers and hobbled to lunch across the street, then hobbled to my car and managed to drive home, where I rested from sheer exhaustion after hopping around on one leg.  My working leg was now totally gone and my right hip was starting to ache.  Getting old never sucked so much as it did today.  I managed to get a time in the afternoon to see a doctor at Kaiser and took Lyft to and from the Broadway facility.  No Achilles rupture, thankfully, but most likely a severe tendon strain or tear.  I was issued a pair of crutches and had an ace bandage wrapped around my left foot.  I'll come in Monday to get the foot splint that was ordered for me.  Once I was back at home, I was couch bound for the rest of the day.  I iced my foot throughout the afternoon and evening.  Not fun.  I'll take tomorrow and most likely Tuesday off work to heal.  Curses.

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