Day - 1378

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Very good discussion on Chris's YouTube channel with Dr. Peter Boghossian, professor at Portland State University and author of "How To Have Impossible Conversations."  I like the tip of asking, "What would need to happen in order for you to change your mind?"

The numbers continue to climb and our world has changed so drastically so quickly that it doesn't even seem real.  Staying at home and doing my thing is something of a default, but being forced to do that day in day out for the next two months is Twilight Zone surreal.  I'll get things done and keep things clean, but it's unnerving to know how everything will play out.  It seems apparent the country is not prepared for this, and no surprise the Trump Administration flounders daily with mixed messages and constant chaos.  That won't change.  It's only a matter of time before Orange Mussolini says something so outrageous and inappropriate for the times that even his most loyal defenders can't defend.  The sooner he's gone the better.

I'm doing nothing with my 401k portfolio but I am studying good deals that should return handsomely down the road.  I'm glad to see the consequences of stock buy backs of companies that are now asking for bailouts are being called out big time.  I watched this 20-minute piece on Boeing before bed.  So sad to see this once impeccable company fall prey to Wall Street greed.

Had a great chat with mom today, and Dorian.  Work was steady but not too bad.  Work is never too bad when I'm working at home.  I'm so lucky that I'm with a firm that has us all set up. Lots of silver linings in this otherwise unsettling time.

Make a big pot of chicken stew, which I ate throughout the day.  Picked up a Starbuck's mocha in the afternoon.

Alice wanted me to talk with Austin about seeing Hannah.  So I did.  I told him he and Hannah had to come up with a plan over the next two months that didn't jeopardize Alice's and my shelter in place isolation.  He wasn't able to go back and forth from our place to Hannah's and back again, because there's no way to monitor Hannah's family.  So either he won't see her for two months, or he'll have to stay with her at her house for a few weeks without anyone in Hannah's family seeing anyone else.  I'm not sure if he got it, but at least it was said.

I have my books and many manuscripts to keep me occupied.  So much to do, and so many companies to study, so I'm okay.   

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