Day 897

Monday, June 29, 2015

Up at 4, home at 4:35, gym at 5:05, and a fun morning of racquetball.  Afterward, I spent the entire day writing from morning till night.  The day flew by as I broke the day down into one-hour intervals (five minutes to plan the hour, ten minutes to nap, and 45 minutes to focus/write/stay busy).  I did this twelve times with about 30 minutes for lunch and one hour for chores.  I didn't even really eat dinner tonight, just an apple and toast.  I wish this process were faster, but it's not.  It takes hours and hours and hours just to get a sense of each chapter, where it's going, what's involved, and many of those hours feel like wasted time down dead ends and stray streets that lead nowhere.  But miraculously, no matter how lost I sometimes feel, I always manage to find a road that leads to exciting territory.  Every time this happens, though getting there is sometimes so full of frustration.  In bed by 10:30.

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