Day - 1311

Thursday, May 21, 2020

Work was quiet today, so I wrote throughout the morning and afternoon, stopping for a shopping break at Trader Joe's.  I made a coconut curry lentil dish that was really good.

The Petty family Zoomed tonight Bob, Leo, mom and Chris shared some old family stories that I hadn't heard before.  Nana, Grandma Petty's mom, was extremely controlling and a powerful influence in Granda Petty's life.  Nana was a strict Catholic, and it was intersting to hear how decisions and family dynamics played out through the control and desires of the Catholic church.  For example, when Grandma and Grandpa Petty were married, the children had to be raised Catholic and spending time with Grandpa Petty's family (non-Catholic) was looked down upon.  So the connections and ties favored Grandma Petty's family and Grandpa Petty's family was somewhat forgotten.  In fact, I don't have any memories or knowledge of Grandpa Petty's side of the family.  That's kind of nuts.  Also nuts is the Catholic priest stories from mom, Chris, Leo and Bob and the clear pervets they had to interact with when growing up.  What an unbelievable institution.  So glad they've been exposed for the cruel evil they chosen to hide and deny for so many years.

What a memorable Zoom conversation. 

It began with memories of one of our most famous relatives, the great Canadian singer Lois Marshall.  She was the first cousin of Grandma Petty.

What an amazing voice:

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