Day 1675

Tuesday, August 15, 2017

Took to Facebook for the first time in months.  Couldn't help myself:

"Trump is a racist.  He began his political career as a Fake News founder, insisting for years that Obama was not born in America.  His chief advisor Steve Bannon is an icon of white nationalist ideology.  Trump fears alienating his white male base.  Yesterday, Trump spoke from a script.  Today, Trump spoke from the heart.  His loyalty to his alt-right (i.e. fascist/racist/misogynist/nationalist/isolationist) constituency keeps him from condemning racism outright for more than a day.  Trump has fostered and emboldened a new generation of white male supremacists, but then again, with his words and actions and fulminating hate, he's been consistently delivering on all the chaotic anti-American behavior he promised back in November.  None of his words, actions or examples are a surprise.  None of them.  As an American white male, I find the leadership and example of this Naked White Male Emperor unconscionable and disgraceful.  I have many friends of color who are more American than I am.  I stand with them in condemning this duplicitous President's spineless words and ambivalence toward racism.  I look forward to the day when honor and dignity are restored to the White House.  Boo, hiss, boo, hiss, President Trump!"

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