Day 952

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Woke up at 8:15 and wrote from 9-2.  Then took the rest of the day off and watched a movie with Alice and slept until dinner.  Afterward, I caught up on my journals and started a book on my ipad.

The movie was watched was Woody Allen's Magic in the Moonlight.

It was a pleasant enough film about a famous debunking "Amazing Randy"-style magician who debunks mystics.  Woody Allen films that end in "will you marry me" tend to feature strong stories with interesting characters (Hannah and Her Sisters, Bullets Over Broadway).  It was a fun film.

I read the opening chapter to Evil Librarian, which is simply okay.  Nothing special.  I don't care for first person present novels to begin with.  We'll see where this one goes.  Fan girl is better so far.

To be by 10 and ready for a busy week of writing and reading.

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