Day - 1289

Friday, June 12, 2020

Up early at 6 and downstairs by 7:15 a.m., drafting Grandudes scenes and revisions.  The three SynLawn workers arrived around 9 and it was a full day of hauling in gravel and sand to fill the two areas where the synthetic lawn will go.  I didn't mind the noise or distraction.  It all goes with the territory of creating a nice space.

Chris and I met at 10:30 and had to stop around 10:45 because I had a work-related task to complete.  We resumed around 11:30 and went until 1.  We decided to talk daily until every scene has been drafted or revised. The sooner we can get the script into Fred's hands the better.

Meanwhile, the drum beat resumes at work.  The new leader of the RACE Task Force, Jennifer Martinez, sent off a very detailed list of planning group ideas that she'd like Task Force members to consider.  I'll respond Sunday.  I need a day or two to think of the areas to focus on.  I know I'd like to help with Lunch & Learn Sessions and Guest Speaker visits, but I could also help in other ways that might demand more hours and commitments on my part.  I don't want to spread myself too thin, but also see opportunites to gain experience and work with people I like to work with. 

Throughout the week, I've been talking with colleagues who call me about software-related questions.  Often, we spend a few minutes talking about Word, then 20-30 minutes talking about race, the police, white privilege, and the state of the world.  It's really an amazing time.

The afternoon flew by.  Alice went to Japantown earlier in the day and brought home California rolls for lunch.  So good!  For dinner, I made our wonderful chicken tikki masala dish.  Yum yum yum!  In the evening, I took a nap for an hour or so, then worked on Grandudes until 11:30.  Bed soon followed and quickly, sleep.

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