Day - 1497

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Ah, the testimony everyone's been waiting for.  Would Sondland plead the fifth or sing like a canary? Would he be candid with the truth or navigate the truth with half-truths and lies?  No one knew for sure until he testified. 

Well, apparently, he has no desire to risk going to jail for perjury, so he sang like a sweet song bird, implicating everyone from Bernie Madoff in Chief to Mulvaney to Pompeo to Pence.  Everyone knew and everyone was in on the rogue plan to strong arm Ukraine into investigating the Bidens.  Sondland's testimony was extraordinary.  Simply extraordinary.  But what I found so chilling and nauseating was the GOP take on everything, their unwillingness to seek out the truth but instead deflect, deny, whine, bemoan, and push false narratives without batting an eye.  It was appalling and embarrassing, and yet their strategy doesn't seem to carry heavy consequences.  They should all be voted out of office for failing to uphold the oath they made to defending the constitution and the country, but that won't happen.  It's as if half the country is brainwashed into believing the most bogus, pathetic counter-storyline imaginable in order to justify Bernie Madoff's criminal actions.  How do you counter absolute denial of the truth and refusal to acknowledge illegal, self-serving activity? 

Sondland sounded so glib and almost proud of the deal he and the other amigos had crafted.  There was no humility whatsoever, no regret, but instead a faithful accounting of doing what he was told to do. 

How can the favorable impeachment numbers be less than 70-80%?  How can they only be in the high 40s?  What is wrong with half the country?

Nixon lived in the wrong generation.

Meanwhile, Russia and China must love the spectacle we're in.  Bernie Madoff won't be convicted in the Senate, but he must lose next November.  The American public will have to convict him (remove him).  It's the only way to steer the ship back on course.

Racquetball this morning, a full day of work at home, then orchestra rehearsal in the evening.  I wasn't as prepared as I should have been.  The Amy Beach symphony is dense and long, full of wonderful ideas and difficult passages.  I have two months to get the piece in my fingers.

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