Day 346

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas began bright and early at 6 a.m.  Jill and mom got things ready and Alice and I crawled out of bed.  Alex and Hayden were in mom's room, wondering if Santa had arrived.  Once everything was ready, the bell rang and the kids ran into the living room.  They each had a massive pile of toys.  I'm not sure Hayden was able to fully process everything in his chair, so he kind of malfunctioned for about 30 seconds.  He was a riot. Alex went to Jill and hugged her. 

They played with their toys and we all opened presents and had an extremely enjoyable Christmas morning.  Mom made an egg bake which was really delicious.  Alice was probably overwhelmed at all the consumer outrage.  I held her hand and told her to plow through the day.  She doesn't like getting gifts, but was bombarded with them. 

In the afternoon, Alex and Hayden went outside with their Razor scooters.  I accompanied them and we had two adventures, one regular adventure and one safari.  We covered quite a bit of the neighborhood.  It took Hayden a little while to get the hand of scooting, but once he found his balance, he looked like a pro in no time. He's a good athlete.  Alex took to her scooter immediately.

Jill's boyfriend Tom and his daughter Jordan came over in the afternoon.  We had a fabulous dinner around 6.  By 8 I was exhausted from eating so much.  Jill's kids were in meltdown mode by 8:30.  It's a wonder they didn't malfunction earlier.  Once they were in bed, we were able to enjoy some adult time.  It was one of the most enjoyable and peaceful Christmases on record!

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