Day - 1636

Thursday, July 4, 2019

Went to SF early in the a.m.  We were going to ride bicycles in the city, but damn it was foggy and cold all day long.  We ended up taking a little side trip to Stonestown Mall, got a latte, played some cribbage, than came back to foggy dreary Sunset.  I got some reading done and updated my portfolio. 

We went out for Chinese food on Polk and Hyde.  Alice was craving sweet and sour, so we ordered a family dinner for two with soup, veges, shrimp and rice.  Very good!

The fireworks began around 9.  Wow, they were loud in the neighborhood.  Alice's Airbnb guests arrived around 9:30.  We've never had an issue before with the 100 or so guests staying at Alice's, but last night her July 4th weekend guests had arrived back at Alice's inebriated, then proceeded to argue and fight.  The husband started yelling.  That's when I went into dad mode.  I went downstairs and knocked on the suite door.  The guy opened the door sheepishly.  I glared right at him and in a very low but super firm and pissed off voice, I said, "If I hear one more outburst, I will ask you to leave."  He said, "Okay," the sheepishly closed the door, and that was it.  No more noises from the Airbnb guest.  I guess I can thank my dad for that glaring look and intense authoritarian fear-of-God voice that comes so naturally to me when confronting inappropriate behavior.  It's amazing how very loud drunk male shouting will trigger me so immediately.  It's as if some kind of suppressed PTSD feeling kicks in and I become this quiet tyrant ready to unload some calm fury someone's way.  Hmmm.

Anyway, the fireworks continued until 11:30 or so, but after that it was a very quiet, very peaceful evening.

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