Day - 1619

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Up at 6:30, breakfast, getting ready, then off to East Bay, giving a ride to Cecilia on Broadway.  At home, I made beans, prepped lettuce, tomato and onion for burgers and hot dogs, then finished reading the final chapter of Winners Take All, our book club book for the month.  Good book.  It's about the charade of the wealthy elites changing the world with their businesses and ventures, only it's not changing the world and not raising all boats...only the elite's boats.  It's the notion that technology plugs everyone in, but apparently that's just not the case, which is why the disparity between the haves and have nots has expanded. 

Book club was at Lisa and Richard's in their back yard.  Kara and Margaret were there, along with Richelle and a few of Kara's friends.  I fired up R&L's new gas grill and cooked the burgers and dogs.  This grill is something sweet!  Very nice!  The day was perfect, sunny, warm, a mild breeze to keep the back yard cool.  There was so much good food...we didn't need dinner later on. 

We stayed until 4:30, then Alice and I hung out at my place until traffic died down.  We were back in SF by 9, then off to bed before 10.

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