Day - 621

Monday, April 25, 2022

Kicking around an idea that has been percolating in my head these past few weeks: the idea that white males are unexploitable in our society. Just as in poker, the adoption of a cultural strategy to navigate the ins and outs of life renders white males pretty much unexploitable in society. That doesn't mean we're immune from road blocks, unfairness, self-sabotage, derailment, stupidity, trickery, etc. What it does mean is that a white male who's aware of his own privilege and place in our racial hierarchy is a bit like Teflon. I think of myself as evidence in support of this. Number of negative experiences with the police: 0. Number of times I've been profiled: 0. Number of times I've been kicked out of a restaurant, store, town, etc.: 0. I can use every emotion in any situation and rarely if ever suffer any consequences. I can go on and on. It's such a huge advantage in life and yet it's rarely acknowledged or discussed. It's like poker. Knowing these GTO strategies gives me an extra against player who are not using them. They don't know they're playing at a disadvantage, but I do!

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