Day - 1418

Friday, February 7, 2020

Work was pleasant today, not too bad and steady.  After work, I had two Arizmendi slices for dinner and watched my first Democratic Debate of the year.

There are still too many candidates on stage so it's still a little bit unwatchable, but it's getting better.  The problem is who's the front runner. Who's going to be the nominee (i.e. savior of the Union)?

Mayor Pete is enormously talented and has a wonderful response to nearly every answer.  He's a good debater, can take a punch and throw a punch, but his response to the most important question thrown at him lacked emotion and didn't in any way bridge the wide gap he faces with black voters.  He was asked why he's not resonating with black voters and what his record as mayor says about his inability to connect with this all-important voting block.  His answer was detached, lacking in emotion, full of statistics, and tonally about as off key as Moscow Mitch singing the National Anthem.  For someone so savvy and smart, he's not properly articulating the disconnect.  He's not fully appreciating the  profoundly different life experiences Black Americans face and the constant repression and institutionalized racism that has impacted their lives from day one.  He's not communicating that he gets it, and that's a real problem.  He may not yet.  Black America and White America represent two different Americas.  Has he asked and truly listened to any negative interactions South Bend black residents have had with the police, versus white South Bend residents?  Is he missing something Cory Booker might be able to offer him?

Bernie is the old time piece that keeps on ticking.  He was strong on his key points and he has a loyal, enthusiastic fan base, but is Bernie seriously the answer to defeating Trump?  Bernie Sanders?  I don't know.  Middle America won't see it.  His rise in the polls makes me nervous.  If he's the nominee, I'll vote for him.  If a bag of ice is the nominee, I'll vote for the bag of ice, but can the bag of ice win?  Can Bernie win?  Is he the answer to the future of this country?  One thing Dems need to wrap their minds around is that this country has historically always been a very racist, capitalistic, winner-take-all country that doesn't care about the poor even a fraction as much as it cares about money and power.  Sad to say, it's not about creating a fair playing field and protecting everyone and allowing health care for all.  It's about protecting what everyone already has, preserving our own self-interest and keeping us all comfortable with a minimum of change.  Bernie Sanders will be positioned as ten times more radical than Trump, and knowing the razor sharp intelligence of the American people, many of them will believe it and either vote for Trump or not vote at all (which would be a disaster).

Elizabeth Warren suffers from a voice and mannerisms that will turn off so many swing voters so quickly that seriously, she's simply not the savior of the Union.  As much as I appreciate her incredible energy and attention to details, she'll lose to Trump.  If Hilary loses to Trump, she'll lose worse.  That's just a hard and solid prediction based on the American people and their past performance on election night.  She had a soft night tonight.  Along with race, this country is so damn sexist, and the sexism exists in the marrow of our bones.  All you have to do is read American history to understand the reasons why Hilary lost in 2016 (aside from running such an f'ing weak-ass campaign and not going to Wisconsin since April, 2016).  Once Warren was the front runner, her numbers tumbled, and it didn't help that she pushed a healthcare proposal the sounded extreme.  Dems need to wake the f up...America is not into extreme policies that will save everyone from everything.  America is the land of self-interest and frightened ignorant followers who would rather undermine their own self-interest than deal with radical change.  Warren and Sanders represent solid, healthy, good, fair, appropriate policies for an appropriate nation.  America is not that nation and never has been.

Tom Stier has zero chance at being our savior, but I like what he says, appreciate his passion, and enjoy his few moments on the stage when he's allowed to speak.  Same with Andrew Yang.  His numbers were really bad in Iowa, which is too bad.  I like the things he has to say and appreciate when he's allowed to say them, but eventually he will no longer be on the stage with the others.

Amy Klobucher lost me when that NY Times article came out last year about how she treats her staff.  Sorry Amy, but that disqualifies you from being savior and/or commander-in-chief.  Being tough is one thing, but being abusive and mean in the ways described in the Times piece disqualified her last year, in my opinion.  I like that she's tough, articulate, and practical, but abusing the teammates who carry her water is an absolute deal breaker.  She should have known years ago that you treat your staff like gold every day.  Like gold, Amy Klobucher.  What a disappointment it was reading that article.  Her numbers reflect that article, I'm guessing.  I know I haven't forgotten it, and I'm sure others haven't either.  Growing up in an alcoholic family is no excuse.

That leaves Joe Biden.  Jesus Christ.  OMG times 100!  Is he 77 or 97?  Bernie Sanders is one year older and twenty years younger (and Bernie had a heart attack last fall!).  Joe's a good guy.  He's a public servant in the best sense of the word, and he's got the support of African Americans, which is key.  He was Obama's Veep, another key.  He's savior material and yet...damn...he's just not competitive anymore.  The numbers reflect as much.  Please refer to the movie Patton:  "America loves a winner, and will not tolerate a loser."  On the debate stage, Biden is not winning.  Not even close to winning.  So in all seriousness, the nominee will not be Biden.  Maybe ten years ago, but not now.  I love Joe Biden, but I don't see him winning.  I just don't.

So if not Joe, who?  Mike Bloomberg?  Pete's star will continue to rise.  Pete has a chance.  Bernie has a chance.  It will be Bernie, Pete or Mike.  Of those three, who has the best chance to win?  My heart says Pete, but my mind and odds on favorite says Mike.  South Bend is not NYC, and Bloomberg has unlimited resources to defeat the evil Death Star.

Don't be surprised if Mike Bloomberg becomes our nominee in June.  The Dems don't like the idea of a billionaire savior buying the nomination, and yet, that's sort of what America is all about, right?  Buying whatever you want.  The way I see it, Mike Bloomberg is so much better than a bag of ice.

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