Day - 1141

 Saturday, November 7, 2020

Joe Biden was officially president-elect this morning when Pennsylvania was called. Spontaneous parties and celebrations popped up all over the world. Biden slayed the evil orange dragon. Biden Harris won! It's a marker in history that speaks to the fragile tight rope we walk along and the power of self-sabotage. Had Trump won a second term, this country would have gone dark in a way that we've never seen before. But we're not going there, at least for now. It's interesting how Trump's supporters believe Biden and certainly Harris will take us to that darkness.  Um, no they won't. They will take us back to normal behavior, normal protocols and normal relationships. They will do their work while we can get back to doing our work. It's like our dear country just broke up with a horrible boyfriend, and now has a much better boyfriend now. There's just no need to pay attention to the ex anymore. What was so satisfying about today, besides all the parties and parades around the country (including the block party on Grand Ave. in Oakland, captured on MSNBC), was that the focus was on Biden and Harris, not Trump. It's amazing how quickly the focus and power shift. Once the congratulations pour in from other world leaders, ex-presidents, and all the influencial and important personalities in the country, Trump's ring of influence will shrink to the small cabal of yes-men, advisors and sychophants who circle his orbit. It will take a few weeks and maybe up until the inauguration when people let go of the non-stop chaos of DJT. But eventually, what happened to Hillary will happen to him. Because he lost. America loves a winner and will no tolerate a loser. We'll see if the Trumpists feel this way in the next four years.

I was taking calls, sending texts, watching all the cable networks, and simply loving everything I was seeing. My joy was sky high today. Sure, I would have liked a much stronger repudiation of Trump and Trumpism, but I'll take what we were given.We got a lot of work to do.

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