Day - 1229

 Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Not my first choice, but I see a lot of upside to this pick.  She's a strong prosecutor who will go to the mat for Biden when calling out Pence, Trump and Trumpism for what it actually is (white supremacy and America at its worst).  Obama undoubtedly  had a hand in selecting Senator Harris and he can mentor her to perhaps fight harder for the right side of justice and not just the side that has the power. Here's her chance for redemption and her opportunity to show us all that there's more to her than sheer opportunism.  We'll see.  I know a few of my astute political friends are over the moon with glee at her selection.  If every registered Dem votes in November, Trump will lose in a landslide.  At the end of the day, Biden's pick helps the cause. Crazy times ahead between now and Nov. 3!

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