Day - 1401

Monday, February 24, 2020

Chapter Two (252 Days Until the 2020 Election)

The knives were out for Bernie today.  In the Washington Post alone, a half-dozen or so articles were written about the inevitable Trump victory in November if Sanders wins the nomination:

Negative Bernie Article 1

Negative Bernie Article 2

Negative Bernie Article 3

Negative Bernie Article 4

Negative Bernie Article 5

Negative Bernie Article 6

The moderate Dem establishment does not want Sanders as savior of democracy.  But if not Sanders, who?  Biden?  I heard today that Biden hasn't won a primary...ever!  He must win in South Carolina, but beforehand, he needs to deliver a good performance tomorrow night.  We'll see if they all pile on Sanders or continue taking shots at Blumberg.

Meanwhile, Trump continues to dismantle the justice department:

Awful new details about Trump's purge should alarm us all

Just another news day at the Washington Post. 

It's impossible to keep up and go to work and live a life with all this news swirling around, and yet here's where we're at in the year 2020.  Oh, and let's not forget this thing that also happened today:

Market plunge over coronavirus fears underscores political risk to Trump

The pandemic is about to hit a new level, I'm anticipating. 

Today was a reading day.  My copy of the Mueller Report arrived today from Thriftbooks.  I figured I needed to read the report, deep-sixed by toady Barr, in order to fully appreciate the corruption and collusion of the Trump/Russia ticket.  Trumpists and today Barr really did a good job of controlling that narrative. 

What do you know, not all articles and opinion pieces were negative about Bernie.  Here's one:

Positive Bernie Article

Eugene Robinson is right:  if you want to get rid of President Trump, prepare to get behind Sanders and do everything you can to make him president.  Bernie haters have 252 days to come to terms with this.  Risk 2020 is a binary election...either Trump is removed from office, or he's given a second term and thoroughly legitimized in his own mind as orchestrating the greatest first term in American history.  Bernie haters can bemoan the possible 10-20% drop in their stock portfolio by voting for Trump or not voting at all, and risk losing everything they've ever known about their former life in America, which is what may very well happen.  Stalin in the 1930s, check it out moderate naysayers of medicare for all (a thing that will never pass anyway), because that's where we're going if this mad leader from Team Orange wins reelection.  We have 252 days to convince as many non-Trumpists as possible that it really doesn't matter who the Dem nominee is in this election.  It's about exercising the last remaining firewall to the kind of vindictiveness, purging, institutionalized dismantling and total breakdown of rule of law that we will face for the first time here from sea to shining sea.  The examples are littered throughout history.  It's already happening here.  If he's given a second term, it will get a thousand times worse.

It's really unfortunate that so much of this country hates intelligent people.  By so many accounts, Elizabeth Warren is the smartest of the lot, and would have made a good president.  So would Hillary.  Bernie will be fine in the grand scheme of things (all of them, in their own way, would be fine), but Trump with another term?  Oh my God, I really cannot stand stupid, blind, ignorant people who do not see the imminent, unprecedented danger we're in. If Bernie's the nominee, and it appears as though he will be unless something profound occurs, we all need to do everything we can to make it crystal clear that Trump must be voted out.

The coronavirus and the November 2020 election should be taken very seriously and a plan needs to be put in place in case the pandemic disrupts voter turnout.  The pandemic is already a major global disrupter. It will get worse before it gets better.  What a Monday.

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