Day - 1678 - Kobe, Japan - Nara

Thursday, May 23, 2019

We took a train to Nara during morning rush hour.  Wow.  Here's what the station looked like when we made our transfer at Osaka Station:

We took the Osaka Loop Line to Nara, then activated two e-bikes at a hotel right next to the Nara station.  The bikes really saved us from miles of walking on a pretty hot day.

We rode up Sanjodori Street to the Deer Enclosure a mile or so away.  We rode around the park, stopping now and then to feed the deer.  They'll bow before you feed them.  Pretty cute.

The park was very green with ponds, trees and walking paths all around.

An hour later, we visited the famous Todai-ji Temple.

The Great Buddah is massive and impressive.  The original temple burned to the ground in the 1700s.  The temple now standing isn't as wide, but it's still huge and beautiful.  The hinges holding the roof beams together are amazing.  So intricate and complex.

After our visit to the temple, we rode out bikes back downtown and stopped at a local restaurant for lunch.

It was all very enjoyable and tasty.  We rode back to the station in the mid-afternoon, took trains back to Kobe, then to our hotel where we relaxed for the rest of the evening.

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