Day 1285

Saturday, July 23, 2016

Alice and I left for Kenwood today to visit Michael and David, two clients who Alice does bookkeeping for.  David has early-stage Alzheimer's so he's a bit fragile, which is a real shame because he was an amazingly gifted architect and genuinely wonderful person.  Michael is a brilliant art curator and collector with an amazing collection of contemporary art.  Spending time with both of them is so rewarding.  We had lunch at their house in a small, totally charming cottage on two acres of land pretty much right next door to several large vineyards and wineries.  Michael prepared lunch and it was so good, fresh everything.  We stayed for a few hours until it was time for their naps.  We then visited one winery called Madrone and bought two bottles of the Barbera 2012.  So good! 

During our trip, we stopped at Trader Joe's so I could start on my grocery list of food items for the beginning of this week's 10-day Food Challenge.  I bought things I didn't even know was food, like chia seeds, amaranth, hemp hearts, cacao nibs, and quinoa.  This diet will help me cut down on all the processed sugar I consume, as well as teaching me a few recipes that are simple and healthy.  We'll see how it goes.  I begin the 10-day challenge on Monday.

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