Day 787

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

I finally posted my thoughts on Edward Snowden, after reading Glenn Greenwald's book and watching Citizenfour twice.  I may have to engage in this subject to keep my mind from exploding.  What the NSA has did was so wrong and they know it.  They have effectively dismantled what this country stands for when they turned the lens and microphone on everyone with a court warrant.  Michael Hayden and the rest of his ilk can justify all day long the reasons why they did what they did, and yet at the end of the day they broke the law and undermined the Constitution of the United States.  That will be their legacy throughout their lives.  That's the choice they made.  It was a profoundly wrong choice.  I will do everything I can to help undo this profound breach of our rights as citizens.  I am not about to have my life used against me and my views, thoughts, opinions and perspectives taken away from me, tracked, analyzed, recorded, collected and misrepresented by the NSA or any other government agency without a warrant, not in this lifetime, not in this country.  Thank you, NSA, for turning this country into the Death Star.  You have destroyed your credibility.  That's the consequence you have earned for yourself.  Way to go.  Unbelievable.

I think it's taken me about 18 months to fully come to terms with what this agency has done over the course of the past 13 years.  Wait a minute.  That's not right.  I'm just beginning to educate myself on this colossal story, so I undoubtedly have so much more to learn and comprehend.  I guess when all is said and done, I really do care about the principles of this country after all and don't want it destroyed by fear mongers and sociopaths who could care less about Fourth Amendment rights, liberty, and pesky little word dictators hate so much, freedom.  Freedom actually means something to me.  It means being able to write what I want, think what I think, and hold those in power accountable without fear of repercussions.  It means Laura Poitras being allowed to film her documentaries without fear of harassment or bullying.  It means not collecting my data or listening to my phone conversations and FaceTime chats, simply because the government can.  It meant something when Mel Gibson screamed it in Braveheart, and it means something now.

 Edward Snowden

Anyway, I can tell I'll be in this head space for some time.

I woke up at 4:30, played racquetball from 5-6:30, went to Varinsky at 11 and Wendel at 3:30, then had a racquetball lesson from 7-8 with Bobby Horn, #4 ranked player in the World Racquetball League.  It was great getting tips from him on my swing.  Just a few adjustments might make all the difference.

Came home, had dinner, talked with Alice for 15 minutes, then began the Frontline documentary called The United States of Secrets, which has been on my list for a while.  Top priority now.  I hate hate hate what decision makers decided to do at the NSA.  History has a way of getting at the truth.  I just hope enough citizens give it enough attention.  I know I haven't until now.

Reading this and enjoying it:

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