Day - 1247

Friday, July 24, 2020

I sort of went off on Rep. Yoho on my Facebook page today.  I don't like guys like these who say something stupid and don't own up to it.  

Hey fellow white male are blowing this moment, buddy.  Your body language, tone of voice, desire to deflect to policy and indecisive narrative on what actually happened simply exposes you as not credible.  Instead of owning up, you're doubling down on your own inability to accept responsibility.  Identity politics?  Dude, you're a white male. That comes with a boatload of privileges and entitlements from day 1 till the day you die.  And you know it.  I know it.  And yet, you can't apologize and own your words expressed in the heat of the moment to a female colleague?  Way to pour more gasoline on what can only be described as a stubborn refusal to come to terms with your own actions and your own character.  I have very little patience with white guys like Yoho. 
It is not honorable.  It is not courageous.  It is not admirable. It is, quite simply, cowardly.  I expect so much more from white males in power.  This interview was embarrassing to me.  His PR person should be fired and replaced immediately, though it might be too late.  Thanks for the teachable moment, Yoho.  If any other white guys are called out for something like this, here's what you do:  1) own it; 2) apologize for it; 3) be sincere about your apology; 4) try not to do it again; 5) move on with your life, knowing you're flawed like everyone else, knowing you make mistakes, but also knowing you've got the guts and courage to accept responsibility for your flaws and mistakes.  That's all that was required here.  Instead, Yoho is going down an ugly road of shame and denial.  Have fun, Yoho.  You brought this on yourself, man.

Watched The Lion King outside with Richard, Lisa and a few neighbors.  Didn't go to bed until past midnight.

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