Sunday, November 1, 2015
Woke up sore and sluggish at 5:30 a.m., which was really 6:30 a.m., but that extra hour sleep really helped. I revised a section of chapter 2, then watched my fantasy team battle against Steve today. My team looked good and the Seahawks won 13-12. Sad news at the Youngs. Their dog Rocket died today after a lengthy illness. He held out for Halloween, but today he was in too much pain. The vet said it was time. I went over to their house and we headed to Grand Fare Market on Grand Ave. to drink wine, eat crackers and cheese and celebrate Rocket's amazing life. A larger-than-life dog for sure.
Rachmaninoff Rocky Rocket Young |
Richard, Lisa, Sophie, Miles at "our table," Grand Fare Market |
Came home around 6, talked to Alice, prepared for an interview tomorrow for another work-related gig, watched 60 Minutes, read, then fell fast asleep.
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