Day 661

Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Up at 4:30, racquetball until 6:30.

I spent the day creating a list of agents to query. makes it much less difficult than it would otherwise be.  From a list of 75 possible agents, I narrowed my agent pool to 40 agents who have lots of children’s lit deals under their belt.  From those, I chose my top 20 to query first.  Once those are out, I’ll query my next 20, then my next, until eventually all 75 are out.  I’m at the point where having an agent isn’t nearly as helpful as having the right agent to get where I want to go.

I’m also putting together a non-fiction proposal and targeting another pool of agents after my fiction queries are out.  I wrote a proposal several years ago, but it wasn't ready.  I think I'm ready now.

I worked until 8:30, then treated myself to a film I hadn’t seen in years, Pulp Fiction.  It holds up so well.  It’s stunning how well the film holds up.  It’s timeless and a true masterpiece.  I remember seeing it at the California in Berkeley with Neil Bason when in came out.  I remember thinking it was a masterpiece then.  What’s interesting is in the special previews when actors are talking about the movie on set between takes, they knew even then that the film was special and brilliant.

Today was the first day in ages where I was home all day, free to do my thing.  I love days like today.  I wish I had more of them.

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