Day 247

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

I had a "tune-up" session with Zeigler today, my first in many months.  It's always so good to see him.  I'm at a place in life where I'm really good at standing on a river bank while the noise of life flows down the river.  I don't engage with it, and if any of the spray hits me in the face, I've learned how to carry on without getting derailed.  In order to reach the next level, I now have to learn how to swim in all that gunk that has formed the stressful pieces of the life I've chosen for myself.  If I can actually swim in it and still keep doing what I'm doing and stay focused, that will be a very powerful skill.  I'm not there yet, but I'm working on it.

It will be interesting to see the changes in my writing as I work toward this new level of clarity and peace.

I wrote about 1,500 words today, none of it very satisfying.  I'm getting this book written, but I'm still feeling a bit sluggish this week.  It will pass, as it always does.

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