Friday, August 24, 2018
Day - 1951
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Tyrone and I won our doubles finals match in three tonight, 15-7, 7-15, 11-4. T played well and the match lasted an hour and 15 minutes. T played the lefthand side and I played right. Our opponents were Gary and David. They played very well the second game, but lost their focus in the tie-breaker. We won 80-minute massages! Nice.
Tyrone and I won our doubles finals match in three tonight, 15-7, 7-15, 11-4. T played well and the match lasted an hour and 15 minutes. T played the lefthand side and I played right. Our opponents were Gary and David. They played very well the second game, but lost their focus in the tie-breaker. We won 80-minute massages! Nice.
Day - 1952
Wednesday, August 22, 2018
The Con in Chief implosion continues. Have we reached a tipping point? Maybe. Cohen's guilty plea feels like a game changer. His guilty plea has overshadowed the Manafort conviction by a mile. It's all anyone talked about today.
The Con in Chief implosion continues. Have we reached a tipping point? Maybe. Cohen's guilty plea feels like a game changer. His guilty plea has overshadowed the Manafort conviction by a mile. It's all anyone talked about today.
Day - 1953
Tuesday, August 21, 2018
Bad day for Con in Chief. And it's only going to get worse for him. Manafort guilty and now a convicted felon, and Cohen chirping like a song bird. We'll see how much longer the pathological liar lasts. His resilience is impressive, considering the forces against him. And yet his enablers carry on. Gotta admire their stubbornness in the face of the inevitable and historic taint that will forever envelop Trumpty and his ilk. They want their conservative supreme court justice, and want nothing to stop that from happening. The Machiavellian party has no soul.
Day - 1954
Monday, August 20, 2018
Woke up an hour late for racquetball and so wasn't able to play. All day long I was fatigued and had no energy. Awful.
Woke up an hour late for racquetball and so wasn't able to play. All day long I was fatigued and had no energy. Awful.
Day - 1956
Saturday, August 18, 2018
Woke up at 7:30 after a late night of cards (1:45 a.m.), then came over to Alice's and spent most of the day packaging candies, ordering playing cards, and visualizing how I'm going to pack everything for the weekend. I'm not sure yet how everything's going to fit inside luggage, but where there's a will, there's a way.
Up until 10:30, then to bed.
Woke up at 7:30 after a late night of cards (1:45 a.m.), then came over to Alice's and spent most of the day packaging candies, ordering playing cards, and visualizing how I'm going to pack everything for the weekend. I'm not sure yet how everything's going to fit inside luggage, but where there's a will, there's a way.
Up until 10:30, then to bed.
Day - 1957
Friday, August 17, 2018
Formatted some stickers for the gift bags, did a little brainstorming, and came up with a final list of supplies. In the evening I played poker at Mark's and was up and down all evening, ending up $6 ahead. I haven't had a good run in a long time, but at least I was dealt interesting cards.
Renewed my NY Times subscription so after the cruise I'll plug back in. Can't say I miss anything though. You know the country's complete jumped the shark when everyone's reporting about Trump vs. Omarosa. Sad times.
Formatted some stickers for the gift bags, did a little brainstorming, and came up with a final list of supplies. In the evening I played poker at Mark's and was up and down all evening, ending up $6 ahead. I haven't had a good run in a long time, but at least I was dealt interesting cards.
Renewed my NY Times subscription so after the cruise I'll plug back in. Can't say I miss anything though. You know the country's complete jumped the shark when everyone's reporting about Trump vs. Omarosa. Sad times.
Day - 1958
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Tomorrow's Friday already? How is that possible? This week has been relentless and today was the worst day of all. I knew I'd be busy at work, but it came from all directions from 10-3, and I had a presentation to give at 3 that I hadn't even started until 9:30. No lunch today, no breaks, no side tasks to complete, just work, and PowerPoint slides for the presentation I gave to the Trust & Estates group. It went fine, but I wish I had more time to prepare. At least I have a new set of presentation slides.
After work, I had my quarter- and semi-final doubles match with Tyrone. We played George and Bert first and beat them 15-6, 15-8, then played Aaron and Roger in the semis. We crushed them 15-6 in game one, but game two was different. They stepped up their game and Aaron was making some great serves. We were down 8-14 when we took a timeout, plotted strategy, and somehow managed to rattle off 8 points in-a-row to take the game and the match. It was a sweet come-from-behind victory. We play David and Gary in the finals next Thursday.
Way past my bedtime to off to bed.
Tomorrow's Friday already? How is that possible? This week has been relentless and today was the worst day of all. I knew I'd be busy at work, but it came from all directions from 10-3, and I had a presentation to give at 3 that I hadn't even started until 9:30. No lunch today, no breaks, no side tasks to complete, just work, and PowerPoint slides for the presentation I gave to the Trust & Estates group. It went fine, but I wish I had more time to prepare. At least I have a new set of presentation slides.
After work, I had my quarter- and semi-final doubles match with Tyrone. We played George and Bert first and beat them 15-6, 15-8, then played Aaron and Roger in the semis. We crushed them 15-6 in game one, but game two was different. They stepped up their game and Aaron was making some great serves. We were down 8-14 when we took a timeout, plotted strategy, and somehow managed to rattle off 8 points in-a-row to take the game and the match. It was a sweet come-from-behind victory. We play David and Gary in the finals next Thursday.
Way past my bedtime to off to bed.
Day - 1959
Wednesday, August 15, 2018
Alice participated in her dream wedding today. Her latest Airbnb guests asked her to drive them to the wind mill at Ocean Beach for their wedding ceremony. Alice ended up being their limo driver, wedding photographer, and witness. It was as simple an affair as a wedding can be, the bride, the groom, the minister, and Alice as witness. A bit different from the spectacle we've put together in September!
Alice participated in her dream wedding today. Her latest Airbnb guests asked her to drive them to the wind mill at Ocean Beach for their wedding ceremony. Alice ended up being their limo driver, wedding photographer, and witness. It was as simple an affair as a wedding can be, the bride, the groom, the minister, and Alice as witness. A bit different from the spectacle we've put together in September!
Day - 1961
Monday, August 13, 2018
Quiet at work, which was nice. I brainstormed wedding favor ideas all day and created some of the print material I'm putting together. The wine lists look good. All I need is good paper to print on, maybe card stock.
I have a presentation I need to put together for Thursday.
Quiet at work, which was nice. I brainstormed wedding favor ideas all day and created some of the print material I'm putting together. The wine lists look good. All I need is good paper to print on, maybe card stock.
I have a presentation I need to put together for Thursday.
Day - 1962
Sunday, August 12, 2018
I spent the afternoon thinking of wedding favor ideas. I'd created a list of projects and ideas but everything came together when I thought of a receipt on a paper bag similar to the receipts on Chinese takeout orders as gift tags for the wedding favors.
Once I thought of this, everything else fell into place. The idea is to have a bunch of brown paper takeout orders as favor gifts with the big gift being the custom chopsticks inside. It'll be so nice! I'll have fun putting this together.
I spent the afternoon thinking of wedding favor ideas. I'd created a list of projects and ideas but everything came together when I thought of a receipt on a paper bag similar to the receipts on Chinese takeout orders as gift tags for the wedding favors.
Once I thought of this, everything else fell into place. The idea is to have a bunch of brown paper takeout orders as favor gifts with the big gift being the custom chopsticks inside. It'll be so nice! I'll have fun putting this together.
Day - 1965
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Our final night of hit-n-switch doubles before the playoffs next week and I managed to sweep the tables, winning all the games I played and finishing 3rd in the standings. It was a fun night and I was hitting well right from the beginning. I need to play well for the remainder of the month. I'm paired up with Heather Colon in September for our in-house doubles tournament. We could do well if I'm on. She's always on.
Came home at 10, had dinner, and didn't fall asleep until midnight.
Our final night of hit-n-switch doubles before the playoffs next week and I managed to sweep the tables, winning all the games I played and finishing 3rd in the standings. It was a fun night and I was hitting well right from the beginning. I need to play well for the remainder of the month. I'm paired up with Heather Colon in September for our in-house doubles tournament. We could do well if I'm on. She's always on.
Came home at 10, had dinner, and didn't fall asleep until midnight.
Day - 1968
Monday, August 6, 2018
This entire day was derailed 20 minutes after getting up from bed. I left Alice's at 4:05 to play racquetball and wandered into this on the Bay Bridge, a three-hour wait due to a 2:30 shooting just in front of Treasure Island. All five lanes were blocked for the investigation. I didn't get off the bridge until 7. Horrible. The bridge constantly shakes. Luckily, work wasn't that busy.
This entire day was derailed 20 minutes after getting up from bed. I left Alice's at 4:05 to play racquetball and wandered into this on the Bay Bridge, a three-hour wait due to a 2:30 shooting just in front of Treasure Island. All five lanes were blocked for the investigation. I didn't get off the bridge until 7. Horrible. The bridge constantly shakes. Luckily, work wasn't that busy.
Day - 1969
Sunday, August 5, 2018
Had a yummy waffle breakfast with Leo and Louanne after our morning walk around the neighborhood. They left around 10:30 or so and we cleaned up the airbnb and took it easy the rest of the day. In the afternoon, we headed over to Bill and Vicky's with last night's leftovers. Everyone's getting excited for the cruise, which is only a month away.
Had a yummy waffle breakfast with Leo and Louanne after our morning walk around the neighborhood. They left around 10:30 or so and we cleaned up the airbnb and took it easy the rest of the day. In the afternoon, we headed over to Bill and Vicky's with last night's leftovers. Everyone's getting excited for the cruise, which is only a month away.
Day - 1970
Saturday, August 4, 2018
Came over to Alice's at 7 this morning. We prepped the place for my Uncle Leo and Louanne's visit. They arrived around 1. We had Vietnamese bbq pork sandwiches for them, which they loved. We walked around the neighborhood, chatting constantly, had a little wine, took a nap, and of course played some crib. Alice and I weren't too kind to our guests on the crib board. I skunked Leo, Alice beat Leo, and I beat Louanne. Merciless. Alice got one of her patent 24-point hands (4-4-5-6-6) to steal one from Leo. Alice made ribs for dinner. For dessert we had mango ice cream and brownie. Delish! What a fun day!
Came over to Alice's at 7 this morning. We prepped the place for my Uncle Leo and Louanne's visit. They arrived around 1. We had Vietnamese bbq pork sandwiches for them, which they loved. We walked around the neighborhood, chatting constantly, had a little wine, took a nap, and of course played some crib. Alice and I weren't too kind to our guests on the crib board. I skunked Leo, Alice beat Leo, and I beat Louanne. Merciless. Alice got one of her patent 24-point hands (4-4-5-6-6) to steal one from Leo. Alice made ribs for dinner. For dessert we had mango ice cream and brownie. Delish! What a fun day!
Day - 1972
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Work, home, racquetball where I won five and I think lost 3. This will boost my rankings a few slots. Maybe 3 or 4. Place is still clean. Love it.
The plaque Robbie ordered for Cliff that will be hung at Eden Baptist Church in West Oakland turned out really nice. This is such a nice way to commemorate such a great guy!
Work, home, racquetball where I won five and I think lost 3. This will boost my rankings a few slots. Maybe 3 or 4. Place is still clean. Love it.
The plaque Robbie ordered for Cliff that will be hung at Eden Baptist Church in West Oakland turned out really nice. This is such a nice way to commemorate such a great guy!
Day - 1973
Wednesday, August 1, 2018
Ah, the place to myself again. Racquetball, work, home to clean, wash, do a load of laundry, organize, all the stuff that makes owning my heavenly apt. so wonderful.
Ah, the place to myself again. Racquetball, work, home to clean, wash, do a load of laundry, organize, all the stuff that makes owning my heavenly apt. so wonderful.
Day - 1974
Tuesday, July 31, 2018
Work, then home for dinner at Mijori with Amanda and Jake for our final night together.
I ordered three rolls and a few pieces of sushi. Very good. We came home and watched an early comedy special by John Mulaney which was good. (New in Town). He's like a young Jerry Seinfeld. Good stuff.
Hosting duties are over tomorrow.
Work, then home for dinner at Mijori with Amanda and Jake for our final night together.
I ordered three rolls and a few pieces of sushi. Very good. We came home and watched an early comedy special by John Mulaney which was good. (New in Town). He's like a young Jerry Seinfeld. Good stuff.
Hosting duties are over tomorrow.
Day - 1975
Monday, July 30, 2018
Racquetball, work, Alice's after work. I slept after dinner and went to work early the next morning. It was sort of a day of rest for me.
Racquetball, work, Alice's after work. I slept after dinner and went to work early the next morning. It was sort of a day of rest for me.
Day - 1976
Sunday, July 29, 2018
After getting our scones and pastries at Arizmendi and Peet's we got in the MINI and drove across the Bay Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge, and Richmond Bridge.
We came back to my place, then went to In-n-Out Burger in Alameda for lunch, following by two twos of pinball at the Pacific Pinball Museum.
After pinball, we went to the Grand Lake Theater to see Blindspotting, a film set in Oakland about a convicted felon's last three days of probation in Oakland...excellent film!
Miles and Jackson joined us for dinner at Star Pizza. We ordered one deep dish and one thin crust
pizza, and one large salad. Terrific as always at Star!
The full day was capped off with episode 3 of Sacha Baron Cohen's Who is America?
Bad, strange, silly, ridiculous, incomprehensible, but also pretty fascinating and sometimes very funny show about the worst of the worst within America's idiotocracy.
After getting our scones and pastries at Arizmendi and Peet's we got in the MINI and drove across the Bay Bridge, Golden Gate Bridge, and Richmond Bridge.
We came back to my place, then went to In-n-Out Burger in Alameda for lunch, following by two twos of pinball at the Pacific Pinball Museum.
After pinball, we went to the Grand Lake Theater to see Blindspotting, a film set in Oakland about a convicted felon's last three days of probation in Oakland...excellent film!
Miles and Jackson joined us for dinner at Star Pizza. We ordered one deep dish and one thin crust
pizza, and one large salad. Terrific as always at Star!
The full day was capped off with episode 3 of Sacha Baron Cohen's Who is America?
Bad, strange, silly, ridiculous, incomprehensible, but also pretty fascinating and sometimes very funny show about the worst of the worst within America's idiotocracy.
Day - 1977
Saturday, July 28, 2018
We started our day at Fog City Bakehouse on Grand (replacing La Parisienne) with chocolate croissants, then headed to Peet's for beverages at the newly remodeled Peet's on Lakeshore. Amanda shared a story I just love. When she and Jake first started dating at 16, she found him a bit reserved, shy and not very talkative around her family. He was too inside his shell. So she sat him down and gave him the bottom line. She said, "Jake, if you want this to continue long term, you need to be more outgoing with my family. You need to tell better stories." I asked Jake if he knew what she meant when she said that to him. He sort, "Not really, but over time I did." Jake came through for Amanda. He tells very good stories now!
We walked around the Grandlake farmer's market at 9:30, then at 10 we made our way to Shakewell for a very special brunch, Richard & Lisa's 30th wedding anniversary. Margaret set up the brunch but wasn't able to attend (she was at a family reunion back east). Along with Richard & Lisa and me and my guests were Miles, Mattie, and Annette.
Non-stop appetizers came to the table, at least six total before we even ordered. Champagne was also flowing. It was such a wonderful celebration. After brunch, we headed over to the Youngs backyard and had iced tea, listened to Richard and Miles play together, and digested our food while enjoying another perfect Oakland summer Saturday. So nice!
Around 1 or so, Amanda, Jake and I headed back to my place for a 30-minute nap, then made our way to SF for a Giants game against the Brewers. The game was a blowout, 1-7 for the visiting team, but it's always fun to hang out at AT&T park. Our seats were high above home plate, very pleasant. I had a hot dog and kettle corn. Unfortunately, during batting practice, while walking along Levis Landing, a ball hit deep into right field clipped my right elbow and ricocheted into nearby seats. Damn that hurt like hell the rest of the day, so much so that I had to use my left hand to hold my cell phone, pay for food, pretty much everything. Not fun.
We started our day at Fog City Bakehouse on Grand (replacing La Parisienne) with chocolate croissants, then headed to Peet's for beverages at the newly remodeled Peet's on Lakeshore. Amanda shared a story I just love. When she and Jake first started dating at 16, she found him a bit reserved, shy and not very talkative around her family. He was too inside his shell. So she sat him down and gave him the bottom line. She said, "Jake, if you want this to continue long term, you need to be more outgoing with my family. You need to tell better stories." I asked Jake if he knew what she meant when she said that to him. He sort, "Not really, but over time I did." Jake came through for Amanda. He tells very good stories now!
We walked around the Grandlake farmer's market at 9:30, then at 10 we made our way to Shakewell for a very special brunch, Richard & Lisa's 30th wedding anniversary. Margaret set up the brunch but wasn't able to attend (she was at a family reunion back east). Along with Richard & Lisa and me and my guests were Miles, Mattie, and Annette.
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Lisa and Mattie |
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Annette and Richard |
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Miles and Jake |
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Jake and Amanda |
Shakewell appetizers |
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Richard and Miles jamming in the back yard |
Shakewell french toast |
Around 1 or so, Amanda, Jake and I headed back to my place for a 30-minute nap, then made our way to SF for a Giants game against the Brewers. The game was a blowout, 1-7 for the visiting team, but it's always fun to hang out at AT&T park. Our seats were high above home plate, very pleasant. I had a hot dog and kettle corn. Unfortunately, during batting practice, while walking along Levis Landing, a ball hit deep into right field clipped my right elbow and ricocheted into nearby seats. Damn that hurt like hell the rest of the day, so much so that I had to use my left hand to hold my cell phone, pay for food, pretty much everything. Not fun.
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At AT&T Park Saturday afternoon |
Day - 1978
Friday, July 27, 2018
Work, then home to continue a massive deep clean for my visitors Amanda and Jake, who flew in from Seattle this evening at 9:30. They took BART to West Oakland and I picked them up around 10:15. We stopped at Colonial Donuts for a late-night snack, chatted a bit, then went to bed. Amanda is Brenda's eldest daughter, a lot like Brenda, full of life and thoughts and vitality. She and Jake have been married two years. I don't know Jake all that well, so I'm really looking forward to spending time with him this weekend. To bed by 11:30. Tomorrow's a full day!
Work, then home to continue a massive deep clean for my visitors Amanda and Jake, who flew in from Seattle this evening at 9:30. They took BART to West Oakland and I picked them up around 10:15. We stopped at Colonial Donuts for a late-night snack, chatted a bit, then went to bed. Amanda is Brenda's eldest daughter, a lot like Brenda, full of life and thoughts and vitality. She and Jake have been married two years. I don't know Jake all that well, so I'm really looking forward to spending time with him this weekend. To bed by 11:30. Tomorrow's a full day!
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