Day - 1979

Thursday, July 26, 2018

A full day of work, cruise planning, then the hit and switch league in the evening.  Came home at 9:45, had dinner, folded two loads of laundry and planned for tomorrow's weekend guests before going to bed.

Day - 1980

Wednesday, July 25, 2018

Racquetball in the morning, followed by updates to the seating chart, calls to Charmain and Julianne.  With the seating charts and all the booking details behind me, it's now time to shift to details on the cruise itself, wedding favors, games, prizes, what to wear, etc.

Day - 1981

Tuesday, July 24, 2018

I couldn't get up this I rushed to get to work on time.  Luckily, I made it in at 8:31.  I had several short assignments to take care of this morning, then the rest of the day was quiet.  We had our second quarter firm meeting today.  Everything's good.  Came home, caught up on a few things, then went to bed early.  Reading Grant's memoirs.  Enjoying them.

Day - 1982

Monday, July 23, 2018

Up at 4, racquetball with Steve, Glenn, Ari, and Tiger until 6:30, then slow going to work, but found my groove by 10 a.m. or so.  I was busy all morning, which made the day go quickly.  Went to The Gap and bought $50 worth of clothing for $5 (two reward cards I redeemed, thanks to my Banana Republic card).  Everything I bought was on sale and looks cool!

Home at 6, made stew, planned to speak with Julianne at 7:30 regarding cruise details, but it's been postponed to Wednesday at 2:30.

To bed early.

Day - 1983

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Sunday - Haircut with Ivy at 9:15. Gas at Costco. Home, French toast (delicious!), Sunset Super for tonight’s dinner (Jay and Cecilia coming over) and Home Depo for garden trash bags. Spent the day revising wedding website, adding new material for the latest email on Tuesday. Jay and Cecilia came over at 5:15 and Alice made one last pitch for the cruise. I hope they come.  They’re on the fence about it because Jay's mother is nearing the end of her life (she's 94), and Jay, who takes care of her, doesn't want to leave for the weekend with her in such frail condition.  Apparently, she's 65 pounds and has had Alzheimer's now for 20 years. Alice made ribs, rice, peppers, and green vegetables.  J & C brought over a very decadent Whole Foods Chocolate Cheese Cake that was insanely good.  I don't need to eat any of that stuff prior to the cruise!  They left at 8:30 and I spent the next 90 minutes revising our website before bed.

Day - 1984

Saturday, July 21, 2018

At Alice's all day, updating our wedding site, finishing up the seating charts, sending emails, etc.  We went to a ramen place in Stonestown for lunch...good!  

Day - 1985

Friday, July 20, 2018

Had some time today to finalize seating charts for the cruise.  Somehow it all worked out.  The key was to make the head table the remainder table.  We have five table groups of 8-6-4 top tables each, and the remainder table has on 8-top.  If the Golden Princess can place the remainder table in the middle like a hub and have all the other table groups surround it, that would be ideal.  Hopefully, they'l be able to do that and keep the 6- and 4-top tables empty in our table group.  That case if any last minute guests show up, we'll have seats for them.

Seating Assignments Done

I like the new refrigerator magnet!
I had a few hours to organize after work, then called it a night around 9.

Day - 1986

Thursday, July 19, 2018

I started my seating chart process for the cruise.  I have 96 guests and need to place folks in tables of 8, 6 and 4.  Some of the seatings are easy, others not so much.  This will be for Saturday, Sunday and Monday dinner.  I'm dividing everyone into six groups of 18 and using playing cards and Avery labels to help visualize the assignments.  We'll see how it goes. 

Rather than listen to another Bruckner symphony, I felt the need to listen to one of my absolute favorite symphonies of all time, Dvorak's Symphony No. 7.  I never get tired of this symphony.  Maybe critics consider it his best.  I consider the 7th his best.  It's magnificent.  So many wonderful passages and melodies. 

It was a busy night after work.  I came home, grabbed my racquetball gear, played in our hit and switch league until 8:30, then headed over to Mark's for a few hours of cards.  I had some good hands and there was a lot of action all night.  I ended up on the losing side of things with some unfortunate situations that came up and draws that didn't go my way.  Maybe next month!  I didn't get home until 12:45.  Tomorrow's going to be tough going from lack of sleep.

Day - 1987

Wednesday, July 18, 2018

It was just me and Ari at the raquetball courts this morning.  Tiger showed up a little later.  Work was very busy today.  In the afternoon, I listened to Bruckner's Symphony No. 9.  It's very dense and romantic.  I hear Mahler influences.  I liked it.  It'd need to hear it again to fully digest it.  I like Bruckner.  I know none of his pieces except for the scherzo from the Zero Symphony.

Day - 1988

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

I listened to Bruckner's Symphony No. 7 today while at work.  I don't know Bruckner's music at all, but the 7th and sometimes the 9th is on several Best Symphonies Ever Written lists.  So I listened.  It's very nice.  He reminds me of Mahler, but he's not Mahler.   The sounds are all-encompassing and maybe even over-the-top in a wonderfully romantic way.  I enjoyed listening to the piece.  There are so many pieces I've never listened to before.

Day - 1989

Monday, July 16, 2018

It felt good playing racquetball for the first time in two weeks.  Just Glenn and I showed up the first hour, then Luke came in, followed by Tiger.  Luke and I managed to win two games by one before it was time to go.  When to work and wasn't sure what my password was, but after a few minutes I remembered.  I have a presentation to give tomorrow, so I need to put it together.  Work was really busy today, not surprisingly.  During lunch, I called Jan and Charmain about cruise details. I'll speak with Julianne later this week or early next week.  I came home at 6 and wasn't too productive after dinner, so I called it a night early and went to bed around 9:30 after talking with Alice.

Day - 1990

Sunday, July 15, 2018

Alice drove me home early and I spent the day unpacking, organizing, and preparing for the week.  Lots going on this week now that Calgary is behind me.  

Day - 1991

Saturday, July 14, 2018

An easy, relaxing day at Alice's.  We had dinner at Karen' pot and so good! 

Mango Mouse Cake for Dessert!

Day - 1992

Friday, July 13, 2018

Heading back to San Francisco today.  We woke up early, around 5:30, showered, packed up, and left Heather's around 7:30.  We arrived at the Calgary airport around 8:15, dropped off the rental car at Avis, walked to international, went through customs, then walked an hour and 30 minutes or so for our flight home.  I watched Goodfellas on the flight back.  Such a great movie that moves.  Very well done.  I remember seeing the film in theaters at Mankato when in came out in 1991.

We made it home by noon and were at Alice's at 1.  Unfortunately, our Lyft apps didn't work in the airport, so we took BART to Daly City and had Austin pick us up.  It worked out.

Once at Alice's, I took care of a few things online and went to the library to pick up a few books.  We ate at a Chinese restaurant on Irving St. for dinner, then came home, watched a little TV, then went to sleep.  It's nice to be home with so many wonderful memories of our Calgary vacation.

Day - 1993

Thursday, July 12, 2018

We left Heather's for Banff around 7:30.  The day was perfect, warm, sunny, not too crowded (especially in the morning).  We had a lovely day in Banff, arriving around 9:30.  We ate a quick breakfast, then walked across the bridge to the famous Fairmont Banff Springs Hotel.  We took a few pictures, then walked back to town and headed to Lake Louise.

Lake Louise is so beautiful.  I could easily stay a week!

On the way back, we drove past the Three Sisters.

Back at Heather and Rick's we ate barbecued steaks, potatoes!  It's hard to believe we're leaving tomorrow.

Day - 1994

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Stampeded Day!  We went shopping with Karen for Stampede outfits.  Alice got her cowboy hat.  Karen found a wonderful shirt and jeans.  By lunch we were all set.  We ate Vietnamese for lunch, then headed home for an hour or two before heading out to the Stampede grounds.

It was a great show!  We were home around midnight.  Love the two full rows of Hagans sitting center stage!

Day - 1995

Tuesday, July 10, 2018

Our day began with a yummy Stampede breakfast of waffles, bacon, berries and Red Rose tea. 

We lounged around in the morning, then headed over to the Hagan compound for an afternoon of games and fun.  Karen drove in from Markerville....sweet!

While at Steve and the Hagan family house, we played foosball and ping pong.  A good size storm rolled into Calgary in the afternoon, a good day to stay inside and play games.

Unfortunately, Christa received a call from work notifying her a plane had crashed against a mountain.  No one had died, but being new to her job and in an important position, she decided to cut her vacation short and leave for Ketchikan that afternoon.  It was sad to see her go. 

When we returned to Heather's, Rick had cooked up some very good Indian curry, rice and bread.  It was so good.

Jackie, Tavin and were over.  After dinner, we played a game Jackie had created that was similar to Apples to Apples but involved a Christmas theme.  It was great great great fun!  Jackie's so creative!

We went to bed around midnight.

Day - 1996

Monday, July 8, 2018

We went shopping at the Iron Cross mall and Dollarama where I bought my red cowboy hat, then hung out at Heather's in the afternoon and played cribbage.  For dinner, we took Heather and Rick out to dinner at Earl's (with Jackie and Tavin), and watched a great movie from Heather's library that she hadn't seen (Love and Mercy, about the Brian Wilson and the Beach Boys).

It was a relaxing, enjoyable day in Calgary.  Tomorrow, we head to the Hagan compound for some games and Hagan bonding!

Day - 1997

Sunday, July 8, 2018

Alice loves her T&T Market, so we went there early this morning for morning breads and Portuguese tarts.

We then went to Starbuck's for coffee, then a sushi place for lunch before heading out to Markerville for Karen's BBQ!

Alice at sushi restaurant
It takes a little under two hours to get there.  The place was all ready for a house full of Hagans.  Ross and Kari were there and Kari's kids Kita and Bane.  They're all going on the cruise, so we talked about the upcoming weekend and caught up.  The day couldn't have been better, sunny with a light breeze to keep things cool.  Jackie and Tavin arrived a few minutes after us, followed by Connie and Justin.  Tavin set up the badminton net, which was a big hit after lunch.

The triplets and Uncle Steve and the boys' families arrived 30 minutes or so after us.  12 Hagans plus me under one roof.  Nice!

Inside Karen and Janet's house

Lunch was so good...KD, beans, steak, burgers, hot dogs, salad, with Dilly bars for Dessert

Lots of badminton after lunch

All relatives at Aunti Karen's BBQ

The Hagan wives

Matt, Christa, Rob, Meredith, Stacy, Brad
We stayed all afternoon until around 7:30 or so.  The clouds rolled in and just as we left it began to rain.  It was nice catching up with Kevin Evans.  We missed Leif and Janice and their kids. They weren't able to make it.  Alice had fun.  We slept a little on the ride back, then hit the hay once we were home.  We were both dead tired.

Day - 1998

Saturday, July 7, 2018

The medicine went through me last night and I still wasn't feeling my best.  I took some coughing medicine and that helped a lot. 

We were up around 7.  I was packed and ready to go after showering.  We picked up Lyft around 9:35 and hung out at the International Airport for an extra hour, sipping tea and eating sandwiches Alice picked up at the Chinese bakery on Irving St. 

Our flight left at 12:20 and we arrived in Calgary around 4.  I watched The Post during the flight and we really impressed with it.  I'd missed seeing the film during awards season, but found it gripping and timely.  Meryl Streep and Tom Hanks are icons for a reason.  They're always so good. 

The rental car spot in Calgary is about 12-15 doors away from the international gates, so we had a good 14-minute walk to Avis.  We got a upgraded new SUV, nice!

We were at Heather and Rick's by 5:30.  Dinner was lasagna with Jackie, Tavin, and Connie.  It was so nice arriving and being with Heather's family again! 

We played Winning Ticket in the evening.  I loved this game as a kid, but since it's all about luck, I find it a little boring as an adult.  The game went on too long, and in the end Jackie won the big lottery and the game.  I didn't win a single lottery and ended up fourth or fifth.  Heather was ahead the entire game, but was denied the final lottery, so she came in second.  We went to bed around 11:30.  Alice went to be earlier.  Tomorrow's the BBQ at Karen's house.  Big day!

Day - 1999

Friday, July 6, 2018

Went to work today.  Still not 100%.  Not even close.  I caught up with the week's tasks, cleared my desk for a week off, then headed to Alice's a little before 5.  Mathew and Rathna came over around 6:15.  We had a lovely visit and dinner at Noriega Teriyaki House for some delicious sushi. 

They headed to Oakland for the rest of the evening, so Alice and I headed back to her place and went to bed early in anticipation for our week long trip to Calgary.  Our flight isn't until past noon, so we don't have to get up too early.

Day 2000

Thursday, July 5, 2018

I felt a little better today, but not much better.  My throat is still sore, I can't talk, and my energy is still very low.  After three bouts of the flu this year, I have to take better care of my immune system.  Vitamin C, Vitamin B complex and more leafy greens.  I should probably sleep more. 

I mailed out all the invitations this afternoon to everyone who's going on the cruise in September.  When we return from Calgary, I'll mail the remaining invites to those who can't make it.  I really like how the invitation came out, and I think the refrigerator magnet is cool.

Here's the original:

Oh yeah, we'll be playing a little of this at the reception:

I managed to pack clothes and games for Calgary.  It'll be a wonderful, magical Hagan reunion during Stampede week.  Very exciting!

Holy cow, I can't believe I'm on 2000 days of this.  I refer to this often because the last few years get all bundled together.  I can't keep much straight anymore and my goodness I'm slow.  I think the only way to end this madness is to begin the downward countdown, which means I need to change the name of the blog from 1000 Days of Writing to 4000 Days of Writing.  I'll try to remember to do that.

Day 1999

Wednesday, July 4, 2018

Slept a lot, addressed wedding invitations, ran a load of laundry, and that was about all I could do.  This flu is so similar to what I had last August after returning from India.  It's totally kicking me in the butt.

Day 1998

Tuesday, July 3, 2018

Went into work to clear out my queue, stayed until noon, then went home and back to bed.  I still feel horrible.  I have so much to do before we leave for Calgary Saturday, but I wasn't able to do anything.

Day 1997

Monday, July 2, 2018

I'm still feeling awful.  I didn't go to work today and slept most of the day.  

Day 1996

Sunday, July 1, 2018

I was really sick all day.  I didn't do a thing but sleep and eat very little.  It was awful.  Poor Alice.  She forced me to drink and eat.  I left around 8:30 and went right to bed when I got home.  I doubt that I'll go to work tomorrow.

Day 1995

Saturday, June 30, 2018

I woke up last night with the beginnings of a sore throat and this morning I didn't feel well at all.  Not cool because Alice and I have things to do this morning and we're seeing Michael in Kenmore at noon.  We did all those things and I put a good face on it, but once we arrived home at 3:30, I showered and went right to bed.  I didn't wake up until the next morning.

Day 1994

Friday, June 29, 2018

Rounding out another work week.  Our invitations arrived.  I'll mail them out next week, just in time for our Calgary trip.  The roster of guests is solidified for the most part. 

Day 1993

Thursday, June 28, 2018

I'm taking a break from news for the summer.  No more Morning Joe, no more Hardball, no more NYT for a couple of months.  News has become an unhealthy addiction.  We began our summer hit and switch league tonight.  I played 7 games, winning 4 and losing 3.  Lots of fun, but I was sore afterward.  

Day 1992

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

So the big news today is Justice Kennedy is retiring in July and the GOP wants to create a conversative majority on the bench, a sort of American taliban with laws and decisions from earlier centuries.  It's really depressing to see the Con Clown wield so much power.  He's gaining in momentum.  It's sickening. 

Day 1991

Tuesday, June 26, 2018

I'm troubled that the Supreme Court upheld Con Clown's travel ban.  I don't understand how that is in any way right.  I get they want to acknowledge presidential powers, but seriously?  A travel ban against a few specific countries?  Way to embolden the nut case.  It makes me mad that the extremists and crazies are winning. 

Day 1990

Monday, June 25, 2018

The border separation nightmare continues.  The Con in Chief's press secretary was asked to leave a restaurant over the weekend.  The didn't want to serve her.  I think that's wrong.  As much as I find Sarah Huckabee Sanders repugnant, she's still allowed to eat at a public restaurant.  It seems hypocritical to refuse her service simply because she's an enabling pathological liar for the Circus Con Clown.  

Day 1989

Sunday, June 24, 2018

Day 1988

Saturday, June 23, 2018